
Thursday, May 05, 2005

Not again...

It seems the Gods have spoken. No, I'll take that back. They have been speaking all along. Their arguement hasn't been strongly recieved; their reasons based on romance and intrigue. Romance and intrigue, granted, should be reason enough. The combination of the two carry great weight. The idea just was never that feasable; perhaps a bit frightening.

I have never been one to make a decision on a whim. Save one bizarre week a few summers back. But, I have always felt that if I wanted to, I could make that decision. Hop in the Jetta, and take off. So, I did.

Now the winds come howling again, and gravity has unleashed its downward pull. That pull has turned west.

One of two things could have taken place this week, and the more familiar one occured. My present feeling is that I should counteract this pattern with something a bit less familiar. A step out of my comfort level, I feel, is the best for me. As I see it today, the only thing holding me back is logistics. Include a change in my resume and my longitude, and who knows what will happen.