
Monday, December 27, 2004

A setting sun falls on a rising star

Who knows who she could have been. Perhaps she would have started a sublime science that would lead to the cure of AIDS. Maybe he would have written the next peace treaty between two struggling nations. The child could have grown to become the next Mother Teresa.

But it never will be.

Mother Nature is purely the pure controller of all of us. No matter how many walls we build, or tunnels we dig, we will always be under the supreme control of Earth, in it's almighty muscle. There is nothing we can do about it now, and nothing we will ever be able to do. It's simply a matter of nature, something we must be willing to accept.

But how do we accept the blatant slaying of more than 23,000 people, to date, in less than 24 hours? A mere 3,000 people died in the September 11th attacks of the US in 2001, to give you some prespective. And that attack was intentional.

It's hard to grasp that God is just as willing to take away as he is to give. After this occurance, it's easy to assume he's more willing to take away. It's a tough pill to swallow. We, as a species, are inherently surivalistic, and we will no doubt outlive this catastrophe. But, in the eyes of those affected, perhaps we have not.


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