I know I don't get there often enough, but God knows I sure do try. It's a magic kind of medicine, no doctor could prescribe." Jimmy Buffett
I wrote this four years ago.
"We are not as unique as we like to believe.
We are not as unique as we would like to believe, with one stark reason. There will always be someone with the same struggles, dilemnas, and hair color as our own. There, out there somewhere, is a person much like ourselves who goes about their day just as we do.
Perhaps in finding this person, we can see how we act, react, and what we smell like. In many cases, all it takes is to step out of our own shoes,, and try to fit into someone else's. We really don't have it so bad. We have eachother, in whatever form that may be.
Perhaps there is no need to find such a person. Maybe, to be happy, all we have to do is find someone to be happy with."
I don't remember what frame of mind I was in when I wrote that. I don't even remember who it was about, if anybody. But reading my writing several years later, I realize that what I said was partially true, but my attitude now is different. If there really is someone out there so much like me, good for them. But, I don't care. I'm going to do my own thing. If I happen to run into them on the corner, I may see myself in the reflection of their glasses, but nothing more. I'll wish them the best of luck on their path, and continue on my own.
I'm heading out of town to celebrate New Years. Do I have any resolutions? You bet. I'm going to continue doing what makes me happy. If something happens to me that causes me joy, anger, pleasure, or pain, so be it. I'm not the type of person to drastically change a part of me, simply because I am told to buy a new calander.
Happy New Years, and what-not.
As I read the first paragraph I thought you were wondering perhaps how you would see yourself if you met you. What would it be like to meet you and see yourself through someone else's eyes. We all wonder this off and on.
Julie, I have wondered what it would be like to meet myself. It's a pretty interesting question, and I rarely take the chance to step outside of myself to look at myself. I don't imagine looking into a mirror would be good enough.
Looking back at that paragraph now, I see there are a few ways of interpreting it. You pointed out a good one. Others may be parallel universe, long lost family, soul mates, etc...
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