Musical Euphoria
I've grown the habbit of listening to Radiomargaritaville online. For those who don't know what that is; it's Jimmy Buffett's online radio station. I'm a Parrothead, and I like all of the other music the station plays.
Tonight happens to be a Thursday. The station broadcasts all of Jimmy's concerts live on every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
One of my favorite song writers covered one of my favorite songs, which I believe I listed on a previous post. Jimmy Buffett played Jack Johnson's "The Horizon Has Been Defeated."
Although he seemed to momentarily forget some of the words (it's a somewhat segmented song), hearing him sing it was a little surreal. Perhaps it's similar to seeing your high school math teacher at the grocery store. She doesn't really belong there. She only lives in the classroom. Is there someone you are supposed to call when you discover she's escaped from her cage?
I like root beer floats. Black Cows, as my Grandfather used to say.
I love how that last comment is completely random...very fitting.
I like this new blog comment set-up. Anyway, I think my randomness comes from my surroundings. The glass I drank/ate it out of last night is still sitting on my desk. Nature, I guess they say. Although my mom has been known to be completely random. Nurture, I suppose.
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