Yoink! Stealing Lauren's great style
I can’t stand the smell of baby powder.
I once nearly fell off a ropes course.
As a kid, I broke my ring finger waterskiing. That finger was never the same.
A little later, I broke my wrist rollerblading. My wrist is the same as it was before.
I prefer merino wool socks over any other.
Cheese sandwiches are my comfort food.
As a kid, I was once mistaken for a girl.
My favorite family car was a red Ford Explorer.
My favorite female Food Network TV chef is Rachael Ray.
My favorite male Food Network TV chef is Mario Batali.
When I was younger, I had a pet guinea pig named Blacky.
I used to have dreams of returning to my childhood home to discover cereal bowls full of cereal, just as we left them when we moved.
I was only asked to draw a maze for our 5th grade newspaper once.
My eyesight has deteriorated every time I visit the optometrist.
Ghostbusters and Ski Patrol were my favorite movies growing up.
I’ve always wanted to be a Navy Seal.
Once, I saw a neighbor walking down the street, apparently just after being kicked out of the house.
I have laughed when I was sad and should have cried.
I used to practice setting up a top-rope rock climbing system in the house.
My body doesn’t react well to peanut butter.
The last time I ice skated was 5 years ago.
I hate being watched when I eat.
I was written up the first time I drank underage.
I hate contact lenses, and I hate wearing glasses.
I enjoy cooking seafood.
I am very tedious when it comes to making my bed.
I became an Eagle Scout when I was 16.